Divine Light Healing Membership

A sacred space for Soulworkers. You will be a part of a community where you can be your spiritual you!

How to enlighten our world as a Lightworker without feeling disconnected. 

Guidance of hope from The Choir of Angels

🧚‍♀️From Elisabeth Halme & The Choir of Angels

It's been a long journey for me to be the person I am today. Even though I have always been who I am on a, then unconscious level, I had forgotten about the true me; The messenger who is supposed to bring out the words from the choir of angels. This is what I meant to do in this membership. Bring out the words, guidance, and healing you need as an angel of earth. So you can start to remember who you are.

So, if you'd like to create peace and harmony, and simultaneously bring healing and sanity to our planet...

Then this will be the most exciting membership you'll ever enter.

Here's why:

I´m going to reveal...

Methods that soulworkers are using RIGHT NOW to find their purpose, release past traumas, and transform into the one they're meant to be.

The membership you're about to see has remained secret (until now)...

I'm sure you can't wait to here about it...

But First, Let's Get Real:

The methods we outline in the membership has allowed me to achieve my purpose
by remembering who I am...

But I´m not suggesting you'll become enlightened overnight.

The truth is, I'm not sure how successful the Angels of Earth and Soulworkers who enter this will become.

This journey takes risk as well as consistent effort and action... If you're not willing to accept that, then feel free to exit now.

 With that said, Let us jump right in and show you...

First, let me say this isn’t your ordinary “enlightenment” program.

What you´re about to learn has the potential to spark the biggest growth period of your success as 
an angel of earth.

And it’s about MORE than just healing.

You can actually use the same methods outlined in this membership to create a variety of insights, healing, guidance, and inspiration for your sacred mission.

Whether you’re a Starseed, Indigo, Blue-Ray, Earth angel, Soul guided, Healer, Medium or Lightworker...

If you want to enlighten our world in your unique way, then Divine Light Guidance Membership will work perfectly for you.

Like I said, there’s more to this membership than just healing.

Just proven strategies that are turning heart-led purpose into reality.

Here's a fraction what you're getting đŸ‘‡

This is for you, Lightworker and Earth Angel who need extra caring, healing, and guidance.

The spiritual awakening is a gorgeous journey, but sometimes it can be a hard and lonely road.

Despite that you know you have your guardian angels with you, you need other spiritual people, your tribe, to communicate with.
That's why we created a space for you, a space where you can be your natural, spiritual you without feeling ashamed of who you are.  

The service of hope from the Choir of Angels is not only guidance, it is messages and vibrations of healing specially made to your purpose along with your spiritual tribe.

Healing Traumas
Release inner blocks
Develop better understanding
Achieve breakthroughs
Where to find your soul purpose

A place that contains spiritual freedom.

How to ELIMINATE destructive beliefs

With transformative healing and guidance, we will help you open up your heart, where the beliefs can heal.

Say goodbye to confusion

The clarity you need to succeed as an earth angel to make your transformation into the healer you’re meant to be.

Where to find alignment with your soul's purpose

We help you in alignment with yourself, so you can focus on your mission.

Overcome limiting BELIEFS
How to Bring healing and sanity to our world
Release and transform
change the world from within

The Sacred Purpose method is indeed about becoming who you are meant to be,
awakening yourself, and remembering
who you are.

When it's ok to give up

You need to find answers and figure out what your soul is trying to tell you about the circumstantial issues in your life.

what to do if energy stagnate

If energy is at a standstill life cannot function properly.

how to get into high frequencies

By changing your energy, you will get new results. 


Learn how to trust your inner self.

gain trust
spiritual awakening
get rid of feeling lost
where to find consciousness

Turn your inner unconscious into consciousness.

the truth about changes in the awakening

Why deciding to make a change is the key to getting into your mission

what to do to open the door to your inner self


You’re right, that was a lot to take in, but I’m just getting started. You’re also getting…

Exclusive Advanced Material For Members Only!

Exclusive 1: 
Connecting to your core self-healing
(Value $129)

What if you could get away right into the center of your heart?

You will get 4 exclusive consultations every month.
Each one of them is channeled guidance and messages from spiritual guides and angels.

 The healing methods we bring you will connect you to your core self and are the most important tool to open the door to your purpose.

All angel consultations are being recorded and you can watch them in your program.

By entering the hypnotic meditation, healing, movement, and guidance you will get to explore your authentic self,
but you will also get:

  • A proven strategy to get a stronger connection with your heart, soul, and spirit.
  • A repetable guidance to get into alignment
  • opens the door to your inner self and high frequencies.
  • Strategies of how to be present. 
  • Raise your frequency.

Exclusive 2: 
Divine Light Membership
(Value $129 each month to invaluable every year)

What if the roadmap to your next successful step was right around the corner?

Well, sister, you're in luck because...

You will get access to the Divine Light Membership

 We give you guided and easy tools when we collect all the past content for you in the Divine Light Community. You have free access to everything that is happening every month!

For example, guidance and messages will reveal the hidden obstacles, even if you feel uncertain about your capacity, and the movement will get your body to release past traumas.

Think of this as your magical strategy that you can use
time and time again.

 That's not even the best part; you're also getting:

  • The simple yet massively effective method for bringing the unconscious to the surface.
  • What to do if energy stagnates. 
  • How to be guided by yourself.
  • Feel your soul's purpose.
  •  Gain trust for your spiritual path and soul's mission. 

Here’s What to Do Next

The investment will only cost $55, and you’ll receive access instantly.

You can access your membership and exclusive material anytime, anywhere, and you have lifetime access to all the content!
Every month we will also put in new content for you to enter based on what you, Angel of Earth need.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering. . .


If you’re thinking, $55 is cheap... what’s the catch? I'm happy to put your mind at ease.

1. Getting this knowledge out there into the right hands is more important to me than ever before!
2. My goal is to over-deliver SO much that you might even consider learning from me in the future, too! That would be the dream đŸĽ°đŸ’–
3. I'm also cool like that... and I know you're here to do great things so I trust knowing that the right, aligned women will invest.

That being said, there is ONE more thing to keep in mind. . .

Time Is of The Essence!

Here’s why…
Today you can get our membership at the extremely affordable price of just $55.  

So why would I do that?  đŸ¤ˇâ€â™€ď¸

Simple! I want to help you go from a challenging spiritual awakening to clarity in bringing healing and enlightenment to our world…
and I have the power to do that!  

But if I can’t get the numbers to work, I’ll have to stop this promotion.  

So, there’s a chance this page will come down soon.  
If this page IS still here, then the offer is live, but I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

As I said, this is a VERY limited offer. 

So don’t miss this while it’s still available.

Oh - one more thing, I can’t forget to mention. . . Even though you're paying a ridiculously low price, you're still protected by. . .


I 100% guarantee you'll love this membership and the exclusive material or I'll return your $55 . . and you can keep the membership anyway.

That's right!

You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll give you back your money, no questions asked.

Sound fair? You have nothing to lose, but everything to GAIN.

 But, I'm not done yet and I have ONE more important gift for you. . .


P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me 😉 ) who just skips to the end of the page, here’s a recap:

I’m giving you my brand-new membership, The Roadmap in guidance to open up your heart, so you can step into Your Soul Purpose.

A simple, yet powerful membership that outlines a NEW strategy that will transform your confusion into clearness if you apply it (just like it did for me)!
And a place to get a network with like-minded angels like you.

All you pay is a measly $55.

**** Plus, you’re also getting highly valued exclusive material:

Exclusive 1: Connecting to your core self-healing ✅
Exclusive 2: Uncovering Inner Blocks Guidance ✅
Exclusive 3: Transformation hypnosis ✅
Exclusive 4: Exploring your purpose ✅

I’m giving you this as a free bonus gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the membership immediately . . .

And get results in the FASTEST way possible!

There are no gimmicks. In fact, I’ve 100% GOT YOUR BACK.

If you don’t absolutely love the membership, just let me know. I’ll give you your $55 back and you can keep the membership anyway.

How’s that for fair?

You may want to hurry, though! This is truly alimited offer that won’t last.

2023 Inspiration Awakening. All rights reserved